Public Notice

Town of Plainfield and Plainfield School District

Filing period for declaration of candidacy for the following Offices
begins January 25, 2023 and ends February 3, 2023 at 5:00 pm. You
must be a Plainfield resident and registered voter. You must file no
earlier than Jan. 25th. No fees required. File with the Town Clerk.

Town of Plainfield Open Offices
*One Selectmen for a three year term
*One Trustee of Trust Funds for a three year term
*One Cemetery Trustee for a three year term
*One Library Trustee for a three year term

Plainfield School District Open Offices
*School Clerk for a one year term
*School Moderator for a one year term
*School Treasurer for a one year term
*One School Board member for a three year term