Audra Bucklin

Happy Sunday,

What a beautiful day for a Trunk or Treat! I’m getting my weekly update out early to include a reminder of the PTA-sponsored event (flyer attached.) I will be there for a bit and can’t wait to see all the costumes!

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our parent-teacher conferences. It’s a busy couple of days for teachers between doing their regular teaching in the morning and meeting until 7 or 8 at night in the evening, but we value the time to sit down and talk with you. We also appreciate the care and learning support you provide each and every day from your end.

Speaking of care and support, teachers were so touched by the PTA snacks in the break room. We also have a family with ties to a local bakery who periodically donate some treats on a random weekday morning. I can’t tell you how much of a difference these gestures make. We are lucky to live and work in a place where educators feel so valued and appreciated. Thank you!

In the midst of parent-teacher conferences, two exciting events took place:

  1. Our 6 to 8 Math Team attended their first meet in Windsor, Vermont. They took 1st place as a team and 7th grader John Rendahl placed 2nd overall! So excited to have this team back up and running. Thanks to Abby Harrington, Fawn Goodrow, and Erin Mellow!
  2. Our soccer season is winding down. Here are some fun facts about our teams:
    1. 5/6 Girls went UNDEFEATED!!
    2. 5/6 Boys lost only one game all season and took home the first-place trophy from the Haverhill tournament.
    3. 7/8 Girls were not able to field a full Plainfield team but our players had a very good experience joining the Lebanon Middle School team.
    4. 7/8 Boys still have some tournament play. They’ve had a solid season so far! They made it to the Semi-finals at Haverhill.

We have one last big event in October - Halloween!

K to 2 will have a parade Monday afternoon and grades 3/4 welcome costumes as well. There are a couple of caveats as follows:

  • Send the costume in a bag
  • Be sure it can be worn over clothing
  • Must allow for regular movement (i.e. does not get in the way of daily routines)
  • No make-up please
  • Must follow school rules (no fake weapons, etc.)

As we transition to November, please be sure to keep the following on your radar:

  • November 2nd at 5:30 pm - Board meeting. The main topics include technology integration and support, the budget, and Administrative Reports (mine is attached.)
  • November 9th at 6 pm - 8th-grade student & parent Lebanon High School info night. 8th Grade families should have received an email from Mrs. Foley.
  • FAST volunteer meeting and fingerprinting will be announced soon. Donelle Bucholtz has agreed to take over the Volunteer Coordination and we will be getting things up and running over the next couple of weeks. Please watch for announcements. We need to have plenty of volunteers to make sure the Whaleback component can run safely. 
  • You may have heard at Parent-Teacher conferences about our upcoming lockdown drill. Last year several parents requested advance warning of our first round of Lockdown Drills. We are in the process of reviewing the instructions with all students and we will do a pre-warned practice drill later this week. We will then do another, non-warned drill later in the month.  
  • Finally, I am pleased to announce we have rescheduled the Youth Beatz artist-in-residence programming that was canceled back in late September. It will now take place the week of Feb. 13 to 17


Hope to see some of you in just a little bit at Trunk or Treat!


PES Monthly Principal Report


1      K to 4 School Sing – 8 am Lobby – Caregivers Welcome

2      PES School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm – Music Room

8      K to 4 School Sing – 8 am Lobby – Caregivers Welcome

8 PTA Meeting – 6 pm - Library 

9 LHS High School Info - 6 pm - Music Room - 8th Grade Students & Families 

10    Veterans Day Ceremony, 8:00 am

11    No School - Veterans Day

15      K to 4 School Sing – 8 am Lobby – Caregivers Welcome

16 Professional Development Committee Meeting – 3:10 to 4:30 - Library

17 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Meeting – 5:30 pm - Music Room

18    Student Flu Clinic - 9 am to 11 am

All School Assembly – Kindness through Gratitude

21 Safety Committee Meeting – 3:15 pm - Library

22      K to 4 School Sing – 8 am Lobby – Caregivers Welcome

23-25   Thanksgiving Break

29     K to 4 School Sing – 8 am Lobby – Caregivers Welcome