Audra Bucklin

Hello and Welcome Back!!

I hope you all had a wonderful break. I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Costa Rica. Unfortunately, despite well laid plans to be back in Plainfield by mid afternoon today, I am currently sitting in traffic in South Carolina. 
Due to the flooding induced delays and general mayhem at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, we missed our connecting flight to Boston early this morning and were not able to secure any reasonable alternatives until later tomorrow or early Wednesday. Determined to be back sooner, my three friends and I decided to rent a car and head north. I should be back in Plainfield sometime tomorrow. 
I am very bummed I won’t be there at PES tomorrow and hope you all remember to gently ease back into your school week routines. Teachers and Staff are excited to see all of you. Jen Lizotte is covering for me and of course Taylor will have things running like a well-oiled machine in the office. 
And in case I forgot to mention this before the break (it was a very busy week!!) here is the end of year plan  as decided by the Board and SAU at the meeting on 4/5:
Graduation is still on Friday, June 16 The last day of school (early release)  is scheduled for Wednesday, 6/21
i will send a more thorough weekly update when I am settled back in later in the week.
Have a great Monday!!!
PS I am looking forward to seeing our Kinder and 1st grade families Tuesday for a night of community and fun as we learn together about how to support early social emotional skills. Parents should have emails from Mrs. Kondratowicz and Coach K.